3/7/24 Bulletin
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
Our kindergarten teachers are amazing! Thank you, Ms Hanson!
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
Ms. Hanson
3/6/24 Bulletin
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
Elementary Families, Coach Cody and Rachel need to know if your child is interested in participating in the all-school musical in April. Please go to the link and complete the information. Completing this step is NOT try-outs. This is so Coach Cody and Rachel have a general idea of how many students are interested. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094CA9AF2DA3FE3-48261471-alice#/
2 months ago, Choteau Elem, MT
Elementary Families, Please reserve the area between the cones in front of the elementary school for handicapped pick-ups and drop-offs.
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
It's time to spotlight Mrs. Crystal Carlson! She is another one of our amazing paras! Thank you for all you!
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
Mrs. Carlson
3/5/24 Bulleting
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
3/4/24 Bulletin
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
It's time to celebrate one of our amazing paras. Thank you, Mr. Buck, for all you do for our students and teachers!
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
Mr. Buck
Happy Friday!
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
I am late posting this, but here is today's bulletin - 2/29/24.
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
2/28/24 Bulleting
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
2/27/24 Bulletin
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
The DEAR Finale is on Friday, March 1st at 1:15 PM, in the elementary gym. Parents and family are welcome to attend.
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
2/26/24 Bulletin
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
We are planning another all-school musical for this spring. We haven't set specific dates, but we wanted to get the word out to families.
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
Alice In Wonderland Junior
No Fit Kids tomorrow, Tuesday, 2/27/24.
2 months ago, Rachel Christensen
2/23/24 Daily Bulletin
3 months ago, Rachel Christensen
2/22/24 Daily Bulletin.
3 months ago, Rachel Christensen
Updated Elementary Daily Bulletin for Wednesday
3 months ago, Rachel Christensen